At the heart of all people is a longing for connection-- deep connection. My dream was to create an opportunity to grow those connections, in this case, among some very specific and special people: creatives.

As creatives, most of us work alone, isolated in home studios with no one in our everyday lives who truly understands just what we do.

We need people to cheer us on, listen to us, challenge us, encourage us.

We need people to bounce ideas off of and ask questions to.

We need other people who understand the ebb and flow of the creative mind and energy.

To be successful in the creative world and achieve a healthy, balanced life,

We need like-minded creatives.

We need community.

"Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation,
creativity, and change.
When we are open and honest with each other,
and create a safe space to work together,
true community is built and we can accomplish
far more together than we ever could on our own."
- Brene Brown

How Do we make connection happen?

While most creative communities are built around course content, Harvest's main goal is connecting you with like-minded creatives to build long-term accountability. The Harvest model is built on small group placement. When you join, you’re placed in a small group (5-8 people) that meets weekly and builds together with discussion content. We strongly believe that your "success" and ability to stick it out in a creative field will be heavily impacted by your commitment to community.

When you are committed to the community, there will be mutual growth. As you are vulnerable and honest about your dreams, goals, and challenges, your small group, group facilitators, and the entire Harvest community will be there to support you, encourage you, inspire you, and cheer you on.

What makes a small group actually work, long term?



-active listening



What does being a part of Harvest Small Group Placement Program PRACTICALLY look like?

  • Placement in a small group with 1-hour weekly small group Zoom calls

  • Bi-weekly Community-Wide Zoom events with Industry Experts, including informational and Q&A time (all recorded so you can catch up on your own time if you're unable to attend live)

  • Group discussion questions on various creative entrepreneurial topics (ie. social media marketing, website structure/design, how to get involved in your local community, etc.)

  • Access to group discussion boards (Discord)

  • Access to discounted one-on-one coaching

  • Access to all recorded materials from Community-Wide events and Harvest Team Lives

  • Consistent interaction with your small group (in whatever capacity you’re able to participate)

  • Community-wide contact document

  • Community-wide topical resource list

When your 3-month round ENDS, we invite you to remain a Harvest Community member with access to discussion boards and group resources for only $8/mo.

How does small group placement work?

Your application to Harvest is an extensive, personal questionnaire and scheduling form. Our long-term hope is that small groups are created based on similar goals, availability, time zone, medium, etc. Early on for Harvest, because we're starting small, groups will be determined by who and how many people are interested. No one will be added to your group after you've spent time growing together, Harvest is only open a few times a year and new groups will be established during those “open” periods.

Options for Membership -

  • 1 Time payment of $200, covers 3 months of Community Membership + Small Group Placement

  • Three month payment plan, $72/mo (216$ total), covers 3 months of Community Membership + Small Group Placement

  • Interested in 1-on-1 mentoring/coaching in addition to Community Membership + Small Group Placement? Harvest members receive a coaching discount - $100 per 1-hour session while part of the Harvest Community

  • You feel like you would rather have a coach/mentor than a small group? Emily is now offering 6 months of coaching for $550.

  • You’ve been through the 3-month program but want continued access to Community-Wide Lives, Group Discord, and the group Topical Resource Sheet? For $8/mo, we would love for you to stay involved!

*Take a few minutes to watch this Ted Talk by Berne Brown (quoted above) on vulnerability- at Harvest, we believe vulnerability is at the core of making long-term community possible

Applications are
currently closed.
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